» Mods for Minecraft » Addon Dragon 1.16.100
Addon Dragon 1.16.100
2-05-2021, 06:00 1 209

Addon Dragon 1.16.100

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Having dog/cat/hamster pets is very fun, but not as fun as having a dragon pet! Addon Dragon gives all the Minecraft PE users the possibility to adopt one or more awesome dragons.

How does addon Dragon work

This addon brings three kinds of fantastically-looking dragons. These are:
Wyvern: a fire-breathing dragon that spawns only in swamp hills biomes. You can tame it with tropical fish and in case it gets hurt, you can heal it with tropical fish, salmon, or cod. These kinds of dragons cannot be equipped with armor. In case a mob gets near Wyvern, the dragon will shoot fireballs or even unleash a melee attack.
Addon Dragon 1.16.100

Ferox. Making this dragon your pet won’t be easy. First, you will have to look for the Dragon Scout who is a neutral mob. We recommend you look for him in the Plains. Attack him and he will respond by generating a group of Dragon Hunters in front with the Dragon Wizard. Your target is the Wizard. Upon death, he will drop the spawn egg necessary to spawn Ferox. To tame Ferox, use cod.

Velox. This is the fastest dragon. It can be found in Snowy Taiga Mountain biomes. This kind of dragon spawns only during the sunset or sunrise, so it makes no sense to look for it during daytime or nighttime. There may be different colored Velox dragons. All of them, except the back ones, can be tamed with tropical fish.

If you want to equip your pet dragon with armor, you can craft it using netherite ingots or you can obtain it by killing the Dragon Armorer. To put its armor on, hold it and click on your dragon pet. To take it off, hold a blaze rod and interact with the pet.
To fly the dragon, equip it with a saddle as you would equip a horse, look upwards and jump. To control the flying directions, look up or down.

If you want to see the above-described creatures in action, watch the video trailers below the article, or even better, hit the download button and install the addon. There is only one condition: you should install Minecraft PE 1.16.100 or any of the other later game versions.
If you are crazy about dragons and would like to try more experiences related to them, we also recommend you try Addon Spyro The Dragon! and Addon Dragon Mounts.
For other cool MCPE-related articles, visit our website and have fun!

Video Trailers of Addon Dragon

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2-05-2021, 06:00