Minecraft PE 1.18
The first part of the Caves and Cliffs update, that is Minecraft PE 1.17 brought us so many new features, but since its release, we had enough time to explore them all. Now it is time to place it aside and make a step towards the second part, that is Minecraft PE 1.18. It was released only hours ago and we are extremely happy that we can announce it so that our subscribers can explore all of its amazing features among the first. Because these features are numerous and very complex, we suggest you take your time and perhaps grab a snack and a drink.
Features of Minecraft 1.18
The first thing we consider that you should know about the legendary release is that you will have the opportunity to enjoy it as soon as you read the article and hit the download button. This fantastic full version contains a lot of amazing new features,
Another very important fact is that you can forget about the Experimental toggle. Now all the features that could be enjoyed only by enabling it are official parts of the Bedrock world and this means that they are better and more stable.
So, get ready to explore:
New Characters
The Warden. This guy is a very tall creature, even taller than the Iron Golem. It will spawn in the caves. Its distinctive feature is that it is blind but very sensitive to vibrations. This way, it is able to follow any mob when it senses its movement. The MCPE developers say that its behavior is similar to the skulk sensor. If you attack it, it will pathfind towards you. Be careful, because this mob is peaceful only in relation to other Wardens. If you throw a projectile towards it, it will inspect it and find the source quickly and precisely. Even if you are invisible, it will detect and attack you. Your only chance to stay alive is to sneak when nearby the Warden. In a few words, meeting this giant mob will be very challenging and interesting. When one of these characters is not far away from you, the light in the cave will turn off for several moments as a signal that you should take good care.
World Generation
In the long-awaited version we are talking about now, you will discover a totally different world generation. The size of the gaming world will be greatly extended both upwards and downwards.
The Mountains will be higher and will be formed of many amazing sub-biomes (mountain groves and meadows, lofty and snow-capped peaks, and snowy slopes). By exploring them you will meet many cool mobs including goats and rabbits, beautiful spruce trees, ice and snow, and an incredible number and diversity of ores (emeralds, coal, etc).

The Caves are subject to fantastic updates too. There you will discover deepslate, tuff, diorite, dirt, andesites and much more. All these materials will generate in specific depths and layers. Some of the caves will have very unusual shapes and sizes and the game developers gave them interesting names, for example, spaghetti, noodle, and cheese caves. By traveling through these places, you will also discover different kinds of aquifers. Another new feature that will make the caves fascinating to explore will be copper, granite, tuff, and iron ores spread in beautiful vein-like shapes. The dripstone and lush caves hide inside dripstones, dripleaves, moss, spore blossoms, clay pools, glow berries, and of course axolotls. The new caves also include a brand new biome located at the very depth of the MCPE world. There you will find skulk sensors, many valuable chests, and candles that you can use as you like, deepslate. The only creature that will be able to live so deep under the ground is the Warden (see description above).

Besides the above-described changes, the Mojang team also improved the world generation by modifying the stone and ore generation. Not only their amount will be totally different, but also the way and shape they generate it.
Other features
- Azalea logs
- Underground cabins that contain one big chest, several barrels, candles, one blast furnace, floor made of cobblestone, ceiling supporting beams, and a lot of cobwebs.
- Underground strongholds
- Fossils
Dear friends, as you can understand from the description and pictures above as well as from the video trailer below this article, there is a lot to discover and explore, so we recommend you subscribe to our website because only this way you will be up to date with all the latest game versions. Between game update releases, you will also have the chance to explore hundreds of free maps, and other game-related surprises.
Because winter, especially December is the time when people give each other gifts and try to make the others around them happy, this is a good chance to share this news with your friends and relatives so they can enjoy the opportunities given by 1.18 too. We are sure they will appreciate this. Have fun!
Video Trailer of Minecraft PE 1.18
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3-08-2021, 16:02