Texture Pack P.A’s Resurrection 1.13
Texture Pack P.A’s Resurrection is a small, x16 pack created by JadeSparrow in honor of another texture developer that isn’t part of the Minecraft community anymore. The creator is really proud of his work, and he definitely has good reasons to feel so. Let us see why.
Features of Textures P.A’s Resurrection
Like we already mentioned, this is an x16 texture pack. Even if it doesn’t feature sophisticated textures, the creator paid a lot of attention to the details which as a whole form a very pleasant and vibrant atmosphere.
“The texture does not aim to make the game simple, but bright and happy.” says the creator and have to agree that his aim was totally fulfilled.
To get a clearer idea of how the present textures could change your world, take a look at the pictures below.
Important: Texture Pack P.A’s Resurrection works properly only on full versions of the game, so make sure to download a suitable version (Minecraft PE1.9, Minecraft PE 1.10 or Minecraft PE 1.11).
If you want to apply the described textures to your MCPE world, hit the download button below the article, share it with your friends and leave feedback.
For other new texture packs, as well as maps, mods, and skins, visit our website.
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10-08-2019, 09:49