» Mods for Minecraft » Addon MH New Ores 1.16.220
Addon MH New Ores 1.16.220
1-06-2021, 06:00 914

Addon MH New Ores 1.16.220

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We have already presented several addons bringing new ores and other materials, for example, Addon Ores Plus and Addon Expansion +, but if these are not enough for you and you want your world to become even richer in ores, we suggest you install Addon MH New Ores.

Features of addon MH New Ores

This addon brings an incredible amount of new ores, all of them looking absolutely fantastic. These are:
  • Tin (can be smelt in the furnace or blast furnace)
    Addon MH New Ores 1.16.220

  • Copper (can be smelt in the furnace or blast furnace)

  • Silver (can be smelt in the furnace or blast furnace)

  • Platinum (can be smelt in the furnace or blast furnace)

  • Ruby
  • Sapphire
  • Amethyst
  • Emerald

All these ores can be transformed into swords and armor just like vanilla ones. The copper ones are the weakest and the amethyst ones are the strongest.

In a recent update, the addon creator introduced even more ores:
  • Onyx

  • Pink Diamond
  • Netherite (look for it in the Nether. It can be transformed into netherite spread in the furnace)

  • Obsidian (can be transformed into obsidian ingot)

  • Quartz
  • Lazuli

  • Uranium

Use them to craft strong new swords and armor

Thanks to this addon, you can also craft two kinds of sticks: iron and obsidian ones.

Dear friends, if you want to enjoy this addon, make sure you already have installed Minecraft PE 1.16.220 or any of the other later game versions, and click on the download button below this article.
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1-06-2021, 06:00