Seed Stronghold, Villages, Outposts and Bamboo Jungle 1.11
Are you ready to enter one of the most complex and interesting seeds ever? Put all your plans for today on hold because there is more to explore than you can imagine in Seed Stronghold, Villages, Outposts, and Bamboo Jungle.
What's interesting in seed Stronghold, Villages, Outposts, and Bamboo Jungle
We must warn you that we will describe the seed in as much detail as possible, but anyway, by entering it you will find a lot more to research and explore.
Right from the start, from the moment you spawn (coordinates: 508 71 12), you will be surrendered by a Jungle, a Giant Tree Taiga, and a Shattered Savanna (coordinates: 600 80 200). If you decide to start your journey by going forward, in the direction of the Shattered Taiga, you will find an unusual Ravine with fossils. Further, there is a Desert Village (coordinates: 550 63 550) and a Pillager Outpost (coordinates: 500 69 400) waiting for you. Keep walking and you will come across a Plain Village and a well (coordinates: 580 65 930). The well hides a Stronghold under it . The last location to find if you decided to walk straight is a very nice Mushroom Biome (coordinates: 500 64 1190).
Now let’s get back to our spawn point. You won’t be disappointed if you choose to walk towards the Jungle because further there is a fantastic Bamboo Jungle (coordinates: 900 70 0) ready to be explored.
There are a lot of places to visit if you go behind the spawn point. There you will see one of the most picturesque villages surrounded by a Giant Tree Taiga, a Jungle and a Flower Forest.
If you are still not too tired, try to go diagonally to the left from the starting point. After walking a while, you will find a Village, another Pillager Outpost, and a Jungle Temple (coordinates: 1200 71 650). All these spots are located around a Swamp and a Jungle Edge Biome.
Note: The present seed works only for MCPE 1.11 and later versions.
As you can see, you have a lot of places to visit, but do not forget to share this wonderful seed with your friends and leave feedback.
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22-07-2019, 10:49