Addon Carp Homes Function Pack 1.14
Teleporting in servers is easy and this function is accessible to everybody, but how about our Minecraft PE worlds. The creator of Addon Carp Homes Function Pack thought about this and made it possible with just one behavior pack.
How does addon Carp Homes Function Pack work
This function is available for servers, and MCPE worlds created by the player. We will talk about the worlds. You will be able to add five homes and locate them in the points through which you plan to travel instantly (in one word – to teleport). You can set your homes in absolutely any place, regardless of how far or inaccessible it is.
To make such a home, type /function sethome(number of the home), for example /function sethome1 or /function sethome2. After this is done, an armor stand with all the necessary tags will be displayed. Following this command, you can go to your home place every time you want to.
To teleport to one of these homes, use /function home (number of the home), for example /function home1.
To destroy a home, use /tp @e[type=armor_stand,name=home(number of the home)] ~ ~-256 ~, for example /tp @e[type=armor_stand,name=home1] ~ ~-256 ~
Important! To be able to use this pack properly, enable experimental gameplay mode.
To try this awesome function pack, click on the download button below the article, share it with all your friends and leave feedback.
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22-05-2020, 09:58