Addon BIG Cats 1.13
Our loyal fans already had the chance to meet some mighty tigers thanks to Addon Tigers but today you will meet all their wild brothers and sisters brought to us by to Addon BIG Cats.
Features of addon BIG Cats
By installing the present addon, you will have the chance to interact with the following felines:
- Lions (males and females)
- Panthers
- Tigers
- Cheetahs
- Leopards
- Jaguars
All of the above-listed giant cats can be tamed with salmon and codfish. The lions, panthers, and tigers also accept strings.
You can also breed these animals with golden apples.
All the jungle kings and queens have their own, individual features according to the behavior of these beasts in real life. For example, cheetahs run faster than the rest of the felines and lions attack as soon as they see their target (the player).
They are spawning in the following biomes:
- Lions – jungle, savanna
- Panthers – different kinds of forests
- Tigers - jungle, savanna
- Cheetahs – jungle, plain biome
- Leopards – savanna, desert, plain biome
- Jaguars – jungle
Before downloading this addon and meeting the mighty creatures, we recommend you to watch the video trailers below.
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Video Trailers of Addon BIG Cats
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10-05-2020, 09:30