Addon Behavior Editor 1.10
Addon Behavior Editor allows you to change Minecraft to make it match all your tastes. There’s no need to use casual blocks and fight with casual mobs. Create your army of giant zombies or small skeletons. Build the giant castle of the mountain trolls using unusually big blocks. Let your fantasy work and diverse Minecraft with your fresh and interesting ideas.

Features of addon Behavior Editor
There’re 8 different actions, which you’ll be able to do with this addon.
Here’s the list of all the opportunities:
- Change the name of the entity. All you need is to spawn the entity and input the command: minecraft: ‘name of the entity’ (zombie, skeleton, etc.) true ‘needed name’ (zombie_1, zombie_Chack, etc.)
- Add symbols to the name of the existing entity. If you have a lot of cows of the other creatures on your farm, then you’ll be able to change their names into cow_1, cow_2 and so on using this command: minecraft: ‘name of the entity’ addtoname true ‘needed symbols’.
- Increase or Decrease the level of HP for the needed entity. Input the command: minecraft: ‘name of the entity’ health ‘value’.
- Change the size of the needed entity. Use the command: minecraft: ‘name of the entity’ size ‘value’.
- Change your own name. Type: myname ‘needed name’.
- Change your own HP level. Type: myhealth ‘value’.
- Add symbols to your mane. Type: addtomyname ‘needed symbols’.
- Change the size of the group of mobs with nametags. Use the command: size1, size2, … size4 to change the size of all the needed mobs. Be careful, too many large mobs may cause lags and crashes.

Download addon Behavior Editor for Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.10 for Android and leave your feedback. Look for more Maps , Skins, Seeds and Texture Packs for Minecraft 1.10 in the other sections. Have fun and enjoy!
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9-03-2019, 17:05