» Mods for Minecraft » Addon End Update 1.16.221
Addon End Update 1.16.221
17-06-2021, 00:05 1 925

Addon End Update 1.16.221

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Are you ready to visit a totally different End dimension? Addon End Update’s author focused on improving this place by developing new small and big structures, peaceful and hostile mobs, and even new biomes.

Features of addon End Update

Install this addon and the End dimension will become richer in:


  • Aphalaf Plant. There are adult and baby variants of this aggressive plant. Depending on what distance is the player from it, the plant will attack by biting and giving weakness effects or by shooting seed-like bombs.
    Addon End Update 1.16.221

  • Evupul is a flying mob. The player can ride it, but unfortunately, he/she won’t be able to control the mob. Upon death, Evupul drops wings.

  • Golden Evupul looks a lot like the previously described mob, but it has more pluses: it has a beautiful golden color, it has more hp, can be controlled by the player, and drops golden wings that are more valuable than the simple Evupul ones.

  • End Baron is a very strong and dangerous mob. If you are not equipped with really strong armor, don’t even think about getting near it because it is able to kill you immediately. Even if your armor is strong, be careful because the End Baron is much faster than players and other mobs.

  • Aggressive Aphalaf Plant. This plant looks a lot like the previously described Aphalaf Plant, but it is bigger and stronger. There is only an adult form of this plant mob.

  • Watcher. This passive mob can spawn in a custom form or it may look like a tower with an eye on top of it. Try to interact with this mob, because its behavior can surprise you.

  • Yenog is a mob looking like a horse. This creature is very nice, but unfortunately, it cannot see. The player can mount, saddle, tame, and ride it.

  • Veloett Hanger. Its main power is to heal all End Barons around it.

  • Isogal is a very aggressive snake-like creature. It attacks players, pigs, piglins, and other Nether mobs, as well as some mobs described in this article, for example, End Barons. They can be hostile even towards their own kinds. The good thing about it is that it can be tamed and equipped with a special kind of armor.

  • Dragonflies are beautifully colored flying insects. They are peaceful, but only until someone attacks them. If you want to risk doing that, they will give you a poison effect. Dragonflies can be bred.

  • Mistflies. Even if they look a lot like dragonflies, mistflies spawn only in Frost Caves (New biome. See description below). They do not come in different colors, but look very pretty too. Do not attack them or they will attack you back.

  • Boneflies. These are flying insects that resemble the two previously described mobs. Unlike the mistflies, they can spawn anywhere in the End except in Frost Caves. These creatures are immune to fire.

  • Nusegar is a very strong new boss. It has the ability to teleport and attack in many different ways. It can also summon different mobs, including Nuskulls (see description below)

  • Nuskull. The only way you can kill this creature and make it drop a wearable Nuskull is to kill it only in one hit. Otherwise, it will explode and hurt you.

Biomes and Structures:

  • End Spring Biome. This place contains a water source, a lot of decorative blocks, and loot.

  • End Caves. Even if these caves are not as big as those in the Overworld, they contain a lot of resources, lava, and water.

  • Large End Caves. These caves are larger and contain more stuff. Only in these caves you will find the necessary means to tame Isogals.

  • End Tower. Besides being tall and beautiful, this structure contains a lot of random loot.

  • Frost Caves. These beautiful caves are home to some described-above mobs.

  • Small End Cities. These structures can spawn either on land or in the air.

  • End Volcanoes. If you need lava, here is where you can get it.

  • Giant Purul Trees. These trees are really big and have the aim to make the End more beautiful.

  • Purul Forest Biome

  • Aphal Forest Biome

  • Glymeron Forest Biome

  • Linsera Forest Biome

  • Burmylon Forest Biome

  • End Desert Biome

As a bonus, the addon creator also modified the loading screen panorama.

If you are ready to try this cool addon with all its features, make sure you are using one of the latest game versions (at least Minecraft PE 1.16.221) and hit the download button below the article.
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Since you are here, we highly recommend you check Minecraft PE 1.17.0 because this is definitely the most important and long-awaited game update of the year. By the way, the addon we talked about today is already compatible with it.
Have fun!

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17-06-2021, 00:05