» Download Minecraft » Minecraft PE 1.18.10
Minecraft PE 1.18.10
11-02-2022, 23:09 1 684

Minecraft PE 1.18.10

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It is hard to imagine that the developers of the Mojang team ever rest given the fact that they manage to carry out so many changes and to make new features in order to make our Bedrock experience a truly awesome one. Last evening we informed you about a new beta called Minecraft PE Even if it did not bring many interesting changes, you must agree that the developed ones were pretty useful. In this article, we want to tell you about the second update released this week, namely Minecraft PE 1.18.10. In comparison with other recent updates, this full version is legendary. It brings loads of new features, vanilla parity changes, important error fixes, and much more.

What's new in Minecraft Bedrock 1.18.10

Because there are very many new features and changes, we will separate them all into chapters and we will start with:

The Experimental Features

You probably know that since Minecraft PE you can enable many cool new features by turning on the Wild Update experiments toggle. The game developers already added many features and updated some of them. The version we are talking about now comprises all the features developed since this toggle was introduced, shortly:
  • Frogs, the way they behave, breed, and lay eggs.
    Minecraft PE 1.18.10

  • Tadpoles, the way they get born, how they behave in water and on the ground, the way they turn into grown-up frogs depending on the biome, and how they can be collected by the player.

  • Froglights, namely Verdant, Ochre, and Pearlescent, the way they are dropped by frogs when they consume magma cubes and how they emit light.
  • Sculk blocks and all their features, their specific characteristics

The game developers warn us that the experimental features weren’t named like that in vain. All these features are still worked on and they plan to continue working on their improvement, but for now, they may cause different problems. It is recommendable to back up your existing worlds before enabling them.

The Vanilla Parity Changes

Get ready, because there are a lot of changes done in relation to the vanilla parity. The game developers do this so that our Bedrock gameplay matches the Java one as much as possible. So, by installing this update, you may notice that:
  • There is a new Globe banner Pattern added to Bedrock
  • Villagers make the correct sounds and behave properly when a trade is not possible
  • The Raid Bar announces the victory and the player sees fireworks when a raid is won
  • Iron Golems crack when hurt and according to their health state, the cracks look different.
  • Iron Golems can be repaired with iron ingots

  • The brightness of glow lichen has a different degree
  • Foxes aim correctly when they pounce
  • Most trading tables are improved and updated
  • The decoration features in different biomes have a different frequency
  • The music discs called “pigstep” and “otherside” emit different redstone signals
  • Many items and blocks are retextured. Some of them are wooden doors, signs, item frames, glass panes, certain vegetable seeds, carrots, comparators, etc.

Technical Updates

In all the betas released recently, the MCPE developers try to include technical updates. They managed to update the addon templates with new behaviors and resources, improved the RandomStrollGoal’s performance, modified the load times of ticking areas and reduced their memory, added many new commands including /loot and /damage, improved the data-driven blocks, entities, and items, improved the behavior of some mobs, and fixed an incredible number of bugs.


Of course, there are more fixes than changes and new features, but you are probably familiar with most of them if you are visiting our website often enough and you read all the new articles about new game versions. Here we will enlist only the most important ones:
  • The crash happening when setting mob hitbox height and width to negative values was resolved
  • The crash happening when certain seeds load near Mesa biomes was resolved
  • The crash happening when trading with the cartographer villager was fixed
  • The ticking areas skipping ticks were fixed
  • The bug making command /tag cause problems was fixed
  • Several commands that didn’t function correctly were fixed. Some of them are /kill, /effects, /spreadplayers, /execute, and /fill
  • The bug preventing entities from getting saved when closing a world was resolved
  • Boats do not vanish when leaving them after using them for long rides
  • Pillager outposts not spawning iron golems and pillagers properly were corrected
  • Certain armor enchantments do not hurt players who apply them
  • Several bug affecting the behavior of large and pointed dripstones have been resolved
  • Lava pools, corals, spruce trees, and copper ores generate differently in certain circumstances
  • Frozen Oceans and Mesas generate normally in Realms
  • More fixes done in relation to the generation of certain features, biomes, etc.
  • Mobs spawning in snowy biomes always spawn in their snowy variants
  • The walking animations match the axolotl’s movement speed
  • The behavior of slimes towards iron golems was corrected
  • Balloons get attached correctly to mobs when enabling the Education edition toggle
  • Guardians do not sink when aiming in certain circumstances
  • Lightning rods are no longer appropriate for placing lava
  • Walls that connect to candles have a correct width
  • Monster spawners that did not spawn mobs properly were fixed
  • Amethyst features and big dripleaves do not break in structure blocks
  • Explosions break flower blocks correctly
  • Several bugs affecting lightblocks have been fixed
  • Furnaces work correctly
  • Food applies the correct effects and this happens when it should now
  • Several issues preventing the Screen Reader from working properly were fixed

This is the main information about this great full game version, but there are more details about it. If you want to know absolutely everything before installing it, watch the video trailer.
We hope that your friends enjoy playing MCPE too, and if they do, share this article with them because we are sure that the described features might be of interest to them too.
If you have any requests or suggestions about the version described in this article (or on any other article featured on our webpage), you are welcome to leave feedback.
Keep following us and we will keep you informed about everything that happens in MCPE but this is not the only advantage. You can also try hundreds of free texture packs and other surprises. Have fun!

Video Trailer of Minecraft Bedrock 1.18.10

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11-02-2022, 23:09