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Minecraft PE
19-11-2021, 12:49 2 658

Minecraft PE

(Rating: {rating_nums} - votes: 8)

While writing the article about Minecraft PE released last week, we were praying that the upcoming version will contain more changes than the ones featured in the above-mentioned beta, and this happened! Minecraft PE is definitely more interesting and contains many more features. We will discuss the most important ones in this article.

Features of Minecraft Bedrock

Install this new beta to discover that:
  • The ruined portals spawning under swamps and under oceans are dry now (not waterlogged anymore)
  • The TNT Explodes game rule is turned off by default
  • Primed TNTs do not explode when they are spawned with command /summon
  • The Frost Walker enchantment’s freeze range is eight blocks now
  • The max limit of pickable stacks of items by the farmer villagers is eight now
  • The issue of monster spawners not working as intended when reloading chunks they are located in was resolved
  • The issue of the Iron Belly achievement not unlocking was resolved
  • The issue of structure blocks spawning only one kind of entity over and over when the player loads a structure was resolved
  • The issue of players getting damage from their own enchanted armor was resolved
  • The issue of certain foods failing to apply the required effects on the player was resolved
  • Water blocks flow normally near edges
  • You cannot place fire on lightning rods now
  • The walls connecting to candles have a correct width now
  • Gravel, sand, and other dropping blocks have improved animations
  • Certain amethyst features and big dripleaves do not break when in structure blocks
  • Amethyst clusters break normally in case their support block is being broke
  • Copper features can oxidize even when in the Nether dimension now
  • Hoppers, honey blocks, fences, and other several blocks do not accommodate big dripleaves as they did before
  • Glow lichens face the correct direction when placed now
  • You can use emotes on scaffoldings now
  • The issue of players having movement problems after respawning was resolved
  • You can find goats in frozen and jagged mountain peaks now
  • The appearance of foxes and other mobs living in frozen and jagged mountain peaks was modified
  • Many items and blocks have improved textures
  • The issue of purchased coins from the Marketplace not being visible was resolved
  • The issue of the Achievements button not working properly was resolved
  • A deepslate layer replaces the bedrock layer between y=0 and y=4 when the old worlds are being upgraded
  • The shaking animation accompanying the bow usage works only when the bow is drawn fully
  • Certain music discs are updated to give off other redstone signal numbers

Minecraft PE

These are the main changes and fixes that can be interesting for you if you are just playing Minecraft PE, but if you are also a mapmaker and/or an addon creator you will also discover a huge number of technical updates done in relation to the scripting, commands, data-driven blocks, entities, and items, mobs, feature placements, experimental features, and more.
Please mind that this is not a full game version and it may be slightly unstable. It is recommendable to make regular world copies just in case. And one more thing: the worlds created will be accessible only with it or other upcoming versions. Another feature related to beta versions is that they prohibit access to players who use full versions and to Realms.
We realize that some of you want to find out even more details about the above-described beta before downloading and trying it, even if this article reveals its main features, so there is a video below that you can watch. This way you will know everything from a to z about Minecraft PE
We believe that you will need a little extra time to explore the new release due to its big number of changes, but we also know that you are already looking forward to finding out about the upcoming features, so we recommend you subscribe to our website and this will give you the possibility to get informed about all the newest game versions as soon as they are released. Besides this, you will also get the chance to try hundreds of free maps, mods, and other surprises. Have fun!

Video Trailer of Minecraft PE

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19-11-2021, 12:49