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Minecraft PE
21-10-2021, 22:13 2 346

Minecraft PE

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Today all our subscribers are very lucky because they have the chance to explore not one, but two new updates, both of them being full of surprises. Because we already told you about Minecraft PE, it is time to inform you about Minecraft PE too. Compared to the previous one, this is a beta and it represents the second one of the Caves and Cliffs update Part Two.

Bug fixes in Minecraft Bedrock

During their work on this update, the MCPE developers had to fix a number of issues. Of course, they prepared several new features for us to explore too, but we prefer to start with the bug fixes. Thus, install this version to discover that:
  • The issue of campfires dropping one charcoal instead of two when broken with a piston was resolved
  • The issue of light blocks getting broken after explosions was resolved
  • The issue of glow lichens generating at the bottom of the oceans was resolved
  • The issue of strongholds generating in incorrect places in large caves was resolved
  • The issue of underwater magma features preventing players from exploring underwater caves was resolved by placing these features on surfaces
  • The issue of glow lichens appearing above the ground in Bedrock was resolved
  • The issue of village buildings carving too much terrain around when placed was resolved
  • The issue of StructureVoid blocks making players spawn in incorrect places was resolved
  • A bug letting players see a x-ray-like picture when inside blocks that are below the y=) level was fixed
  • The issue of fire charges getting consumed when used on blocks that are already on fire was resolved
  • The issue of paintings breaking when loading an MCPE world was resolved
  • The issue of boss bars staying unchanged when a raider gets damage was resolved
  • The issue of villagers stopping following their usual schedules when the game time is negative was resolved
  • The issue of plants remaining in flower pots even after being removed was resolved
  • The issue of the llama’s riding position shifting after taming it was resolved
  • A crash happening when loading LevelChunks was fixed
  • A crash happening when traveling through portals accompanied by a tamed mob was fixed

Now that you have learned about all the new bug fixes, let’s find out about the new features. These are:
  • A lot of new music tracks and a new music disc (look for it in stronghold corridor chests and in dungeon chests)
    Minecraft PE

  • A new toggle you can check. It is called Vanilla Experiments and for now, it contains only the skulk sensors, goat horns and new kinds of blocks called Deep Dark blocks. They include deep dark skulk blocks, vein blocks, catalyst blocks, and shrieker blocks.
  • The Old Worlds type is no longer in the world creation screen, but you can still play in your existing ones
  • New terrain generating below zero height when the players loads an old world
  • All features that previously used “gaussian” distribution will now use a new kind of distribution called “triangle” distribution
  • Tropical fish spawn in lukewarm oceans in addition to all the waters they used to spawn previously
  • Improved ore generation
  • Updated /clone command

Dear friends, we hope that we have succeeded to make you happier by presenting to you these two wonderful new game versions. Please share the news with your friends and leave feedback because your opinion about them is very important to us.
By visiting our website, you can also explore hundreds of cool texture packs, mods, and other surprises so keep following us and have fun!

Video Trailer of Minecraft PE

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21-10-2021, 22:13