Minecraft PE
There are three new versions that you probably didn’t try yet. Yesterday we published an article about Minecraft PE 1.17.11 which is a full version. Now it is time to tell you about the betas and we will start with Minecraft PE
Features of Minecraft
This beta contains more bugfixes compared to the full version presented previously. It also contains many technical updates.
- A game crash happening if the MCPE player downloads worlds that are too big in size from the Marketplace was fixed
- The text-to-speech not reading the item names from the player’s inventory right was corrected
- A bug making the text-to-speech count the grid slots incorrectly was fixed
- The text-to-speech bug making it pronounce the chat messages incorrectly was fixed
- A bug preventing boats from disappearing from the inventory when placing them in water was fixed (when playing in Survival)
- Several issues preventing players from using light blocks properly (not showing their brightness and players not being able to adjust it, incorrect hitbox, etc.) were resolved
- A bug making barrier blocks destructible in case the player does not hold them
- An issue making the sidebar strings align incorrectly when the player loads another language or switches the existent one was fixed
- The Achievement button was switched to the Pause and Main Menu screen
- A new Achievement screen was developed for VR
- The problem of players getting damage from consuming chorus fruit when gliding was resolved
- A bug preventing skeletons from using their arms normally when holding bows was resolved
- A bug making the sky render through walls (even in enclosed spaces) was resolved
- A bug preventing the glowing texts on signs from being displayed properly was resolved
- A bug making certain waterlogged blocks turn into ghost blocks was fixed
- A bug preventing farmer villagers from accepting pumpkins in certain situations was fixed
- The possibility to add many candles to one that has no support block underneath it was canceled
- A problem making mobs render incorrectly if looking at them from the preview window of a structure block was resolved
- A bug preventing wither from spawning below a certain level when Experimental Gameplay is enabled was fixed
- The closed space areas in which magma cubes and ghasts can spawn were reduced
- The magma cube’s hitbox size was modified
- A bug making shulker boxes disappear if the dispensers that they are in are placed at a world limit was fixed
Technical updates:
Because not many players are interested in the technical aspect of the game, we will mention only the most important changes:
- The Molang documentation that is linked to experiments was improved
- Many issues affecting projectiles and the way they rotate, shoot, and summon were fixed
- The issue making worlds break when using water buckets to pick up fish was fixed by removing this possibility
- Improved commands /time set, /clone, and /structure
Below this article, you will find a video trailer. We invite you to watch it if you want to know more about this beta.
If you didn’t manage to do this yet, subscribe to our website now because very soon we will publish another article describing a new game beta that contains a bugfix list as interesting as the one seen above. Until this happens, you will be able to explore our Textures, Maps, and other interesting sections. Have fun!
Video Trailer of Minecraft
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19-08-2021, 19:56