» Download Minecraft » Minecraft PE 1.17.11
Minecraft PE 1.17.11
18-08-2021, 11:49 4 115

Minecraft PE 1.17.11

(Rating: {rating_nums} - votes: 9)

Not very long ago we have published an article about Minecraft PE 1.18. Even if all of us are very excited about it, it won’t be released until the end of this year, so, until then, we can enjoy other betas and full versions that are also good. Today we will talk about Minecraft PE 1.17.11. This is a full game version, so you are free to join your friends in Realms and to be sure that your builds will be much more stable than those created in beta versions.

Fixes in Minecraft

For this update, the game developers carried out the following activities:
  • Resolved the problem causing death and respawn every time players travel from the End dimension to the Overworld
    Minecraft PE 1.17.11

  • Resoved a similar problem also causing death and making the respawn screen stop working in the End dimension when using a portal
  • Fixed a crash happening when players suspend and resume the titles repeatedly (affecting the Xbox users)
  • Remove the possibility of doubling items with beacons
  • Fixed a bug making horses disappear after dismounting them
  • Resolved a problem preventing command /msg from working properly on Realms when playing in Survival game mode. This issue used to happen when cheats are not enabled
  • Fixed a problem preventing expired Realms from being renewed.

Even if this list is not very long, we believe that the carried-out fixes will make your gameplay better.
Please let us know what you think about this release by leaving feedback and share this article with other MCPE users.
To get informed about all the upcoming game versions, subscribe to our website. This will also allow you to explore hundreds of free mods, maps, and other cool surprises. Have fun!

Video Trailer of Minecraft PE 1.17.11

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    19 August 2021 03:46
    where is the link?
    11 September 2021 19:52
    CADE O LINK!!!!!
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18-08-2021, 11:49