Minecraft PE
The last two game versions contained, namely Minecraft PE and Minecraft PE 1.17.2 contained ridiculously short lists of changes, but as we promised in the article about one of them, the MCPE developers prepared a more complex beta, that is Minecraft PE
Changes in Minecraft
This time, the MCPE developers had much more work to do. They have:
- Introduced a new useful gamerule which is meant to prevent beds from exploding (also available for respawn anchors)
- Modified the location of the player’s initial spawn on maps with the Caves and Cliffs toggle enabled
- Balanced the number of mobs spawning in the Nether
- Introduced the possibility to manage the click sounds played when interacting with blocks by using a special sound volume slider
- Fixed the sounds emitted by levers when turned on and off
- Developed the option to destroy bamboos with just one sword swing
- Resolved the problem of shulker boxes losing their contents when dyed
- Disabled the feature of birches and other trees changing their colors depending on their location
- Removed the possibility to use powdered snow buckets with filled cauldrons in order to obtain new blocks of this kind
- Fixed the sound played by water buckets when used on filled cauldrons
- Introduced the possibility to empty lava buckets in cauldrons containing lava
- Gave bees the possibility to pollinate cave vines
- Modified the level of light in regards to the enchanting tables
- Corrected the dripstone’s position when it falls
- Introduced the possibility to collect powdered snow using dispensers
- Resolved the issue of signs on rooted dirt failing to open the text editor
- Resolved the bug preventing command /tell from working properly
- Resolved the problem making certain mobs despawn when teleporting them from one dimension to another
- Fixed a graphical issue making shields that are in the offhand clip in certain situations
- Resolved the problem of minecarts containing chests losing their contents in certain situations
- Resolved the problem of players failing to take off their soul speed boots when they lose their durability
- Removed the horns from baby goats
- Made all the hoglin table chest diamond pickaxes enchanted by default
- Resolved the problem of bubble columns not aligning correctly when they are placed using structure blocks
- Made the sign in dialog box visible only to player one in split screen (PS 4)
- Introduced a tilt up sound for big dripleaves
- Removed the problem of wrong sounds playing when turtle eggs are placed on top of sand blocks
- Introduced the possibility to use a new audio slider to control many in-game sounds, for example walking on amethysts, moss, deepslate. This is also available for the sounds played when landing on blocks or when jumping on them.
In addition to all the above-described work on making our gameplay more comfortable and nice, the MCPE developers also carried out a number of technical fixes and changes. Some of them are:
- New events
- New method to spawn entities at any location
- New method to make entities move to any location
If you want to find out more details about this beta, don’t hesitate to watch the video trailer below this article.
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Video Trailer of Minecraft PE
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24-06-2021, 23:13