Texture Pack Beta Begone 1.13
While playing, you cannot help but notice the system and beta version information HUD and this can become a rather bothering fact sometimes. Texture Pack Beta Begone was developed to remove it, thus leaving your screen filled only with the features relevant to your gameplay.
Features of Textures Beta Begone
The most important and actually the main aim of this texture pack is the one mentioned above, which is to remove the distracting HUD text from your MCPE world screen. Do not worry about the fact that it will take a lot of your storage space since it only weights 0.99kb, which is much less than any other texture pack. This also means that you can download and use it very quickly.
If you want your screen to be filled only with your world features and no useless for the game text, download Textures Beta Begone by clicking on the button below, share the article with your friends and leave feedback.
For other useful and interesting texture packs, as well as maps, mods, and seeds, visit our website. Here you will also find the latest Minecraft PE versions and something totally new and cool, which is an absolutely awesome AR game called Minecraft Earth!
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11-11-2019, 09:51