Addon More Berries 1.12
Addon More Berries, created by CyanKakuna is an absolute must-have for all Minecraft Bedrock players, since the provided berries have magical effects on the players and can make them faster, stronger and generally better. As a bonus, you will be offered recipes of crafting swords using the presented berries.
How does addon More Berries work
Crafting the berries provided by this addon is quite easy. Below you can see pictures illustrating the crafting recipes, as well as the effects they have.
The lapis berries status effects:
The redstone berries status effects:
The iron berries status effects:
The quartz berries status effects:
The obsidian berries status effects:
The diamond berries status effects:
The golden berries status effects:
The emerald berries status effects:
The supreme berries crafting recipe and status effects:
And to end the article on a positive note, see below the picture illustrating the crafting recipes for the added berries swords:
Note: This addon works only on Minecraft PE 1.12. To download the required game versions, enter here.
To benefit from the described above berries, download the addon by clicking on the button at the end of the article, share with your friends and leave feedback.
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28-05-2019, 09:46