Addon Gote-Supporter 1.16
Addon Gote-Supporter brings a number of new options and modifies the existing ones in order to make the MCPE playing process more comfortable.
Features of addon Gote-Supporter
By installing this addon, you can benefit from the following new options and not only:
- Clock and compass always being displayed on the player's screen
- Colored coordinates
- A different way of renaming items on anvils
- A different way of typing commands using command blocks
- Pause menu containing new access buttons: Achievements, How to Play, and Marketplace
- Possibility to change the language while playing
- World name being displayed in the Pause menu
- Player Permission button from the pause menu being hidden (the scoreboards remain the same)
- Possibility to mute the chat
- Touch control being enabled for the Nintendo Switch users
- New video settings
- Possibility to export worlds as world templates in the world settings
- New F1 menu
- New possibilities to take screenshots
- Time taking to destroy a block being displayed on the target block
Below you can see several screenshots that display the options offered by this addon.

If you want to try the above-described changes, click on the download button below the article, but please make sure that you are using a recent game version first (at least Minecraft PE 1.16).
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8-09-2021, 10:18