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Minecraft Education Edition
23-09-2018, 16:00 4 616

Minecraft Education Edition

(Rating: {rating_nums} - votes: 32)

Education Edition contains materials, allowing Minecraft being used to hold laboratory and practical lessons. It was developed by Microsoft and Mojang and released on the first of November 2016. Beta testing was held from 9 of June to 1 of November 2016. Education Edition war released to the App Store on 6 of September 2018.
Download Minecraft Education Edition for Windows and iOs
Download Minecraft Education Edition for Windows and iOs
Download Minecraft Education Edition for Windows and iOs

Features of Education Edition

  • NPC, which will help teachers to give instructions for students. After right mouse click on NPC the manual will open and student will be able to receive some tips. The manual may be changed by the supervisors. Text of manual can also contain hyperlinks, if needed.
  • Agent mob, which will be able to use the written by the player code. It will have its own 27 slot inventory, which can be ruled using commands. There’s no an egg to summon agent, so it will likely can be spawned using commands.
  • Border, using for prevent players from leaving the certain zone. All of blocks inside the border can’t be destroyed by player (works only for students).
  • Chalkboard (3x1), poster (2x1) and slate (1x1) which can be used as simple plates, but can contain more text.
  • “allow” and “deny” blocks. Can be placed only by the supervisors. Allow block gives students an ability to break every block above it. Deny blocks forbids students to break any block above it.
  • Camera, which makes photos in 3 seconds after Right Mouse Click. Camera may be turned in any direction. All the photos save into portfolio.
  • Portfolio. All of photos save here. You can delete or rename photos in portfolio. You can also export them, using appropriate button. Photos will get saved on your device in ZIP-file.
  • “export” and “import” buttons, placed in Main Menu will allow you to download maps from the memory of your device into minecraft and save maps from minecraft into the memory of your device accordingly.
  • Console commands allowing changing different game parameters. For example, /WorldBuilder will give student all the supervisor rules (ability to come through border, break blocks etc.), /CanFly will turn on/off an ability to fly, /mute will deprive player to speak.

Chemistry Update of Minecraft Education Edition

This update will add lots of abilities to make experiments in the World of Minecraft.
  • Periodic table of chemical elements.
  • Composite creator, which will allow player to create new chemical elements.
  • Element constructor, which will make it possible to create new items.
  • Laboratory table, used for creating new elements or blocks, combining elements and connections.
  • Material redactor, allowing creating chemical materials from blocks.
  • Air balloon, which will make it possible to make different items fly upstairs, until the balloon pop.
  • Ice bomb, which will make water (3x3x3) freeze to receive ice.
  • Underwater TNT, to break blocks under water.
  • Bengal fire, which can be held by hands. 4 colors available: blue, red, green, purple.
  • Super fertilizer, allowing to grow the plant from the first click.
  • Heat block, to melt ice and boil water.
  • Colored torch in 4 colors: blue, red, green, purple.
  • Underwater torch, which can be placed under water.
  • Light rod, 16 colors available.
  • Whitener to color different things in white.

Download Minecraft Education Edition for Windows and iOs
Download Minecraft Education Edition for Windows and iOs

To use Education Edition, you should bring proves that you’re full of part time student or staff member of one of Educational Establishments. Minecraft Education Edition also costs 5$ per year. Educational Establishments which already have MinecraftEdu will be able to receive Education Edition absolutely for free.
Download Minecraft Education Edition for Windows and iOs by the link below. Visit the other website sections, maybe there’re some new Mods, Skins or Seeds! Leave your feedback it’s very important for us!

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  • Comments

    31 May 2019 04:46
    This is a amazing

    This game amazing i give star 5
    21 August 2019 05:03
    Good game ❤❤❤
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23-09-2018, 16:00