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Minecraft PE
14-10-2022, 23:50 1 249

Minecraft PE

(Rating: {rating_nums} - votes: 10)

Minecraft PE was released only several hours ago and we hope that our website manages to be among the first to have an article about it published. Before enlisting and describing its features, we must tell you that this beta is a truly amazing one bringing so many interesting changes, especially if compared to other game versions released recently.

Features of Minecraft Bedrock

There is one more thing you must know. The game developers opened the famous Minecraft Live Mob Vote. We are sure you were waiting for this to happen, but to participate, you should use Minecraft PE 1.19.31. Happily, you can download it free of charge here. Please remember that if you are planning to switch between versions for this, it is recommendable to periodically make copies of your builds so as not to lose them.
And now, let’s get going. Get ready to discover that:
  • Spectator Mode is not experimental anymore. It is an official feature now and it was also subject to several major changes. To access this mode, you should have cheats enabled and use command /gamemode spectator. You can also do it by accessing the Settings menu and choosing Personal game mode. By using this mode you will see that the HUD is less complex, you cannot walk on the ground, the only way to move around is by flying, blocks and entities do not affect you in a bad way and you can move through them, you can see other things from inside blocks, don’t have to spend time sleeping, are invisible to those not using this mode and looking as a flying head to those who use it.
    Minecraft PE

  • Blocks moved by a piston do not flicker
  • Mob babies do not get special effects if the mobs are bred while having effects on
  • All blocks have collision boxes of the correct sizes
  • Many features and actions related to mud blocks are improved or corrected
  • Sugar canes break as they should when their source of water is being removed
  • Light blocks do not become invisible in certain cases
  • The movement of the piston’s arm and all blocks that are attached to it is better
  • You won’t be teleported back to the portal after exiting one
  • Signs make correct sounds when placed
  • Revisiting the black-pixeled areas on maps can resolve the situation, this not being possible before this version, even if the game developers tried to fix it
  • Fully-charged weapons do not disappear when traveling using portals
  • Bubble columns generate better underwater above certain blocks
  • The color and brightness of the sky on RTX worlds are better
  • Tools and armor that were only crafted work normally
  • Renamed tools and armor can drop from the inventory normally
  • Ridden mobs benefit from applied effects as they should
  • The enderman’s follow range is of sixty-four
  • Touch devices have a stack-splitting function
  • All the newly-introduced touch control schemes work better and include more functions
  • Scrolling through the inventory’s screen is easier
  • There is a new toggle in the Touch Settings menu that you can use to manage some actions affecting the joystick
  • The boss bar changes according to the performed actions
  • There are several newly developed and improved existing notifications appearing in different situations during the gameplay
  • The sliderused to adjust text’s background opacity works correctly
  • Command /enchant works correctly.

In addition to all these plus several other, less important changes, the game developers made many technical changes that are meant to help content creators in their work.
Because this update is so big and important, please help us spread the news about its release. To do this, click on the “Share” button and choose the people who may be interested in it.
Our invitation to check our collections of maps, mods, and other MCPE content is also still available. Have fun!

Video Trailer of Minecraft PE

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14-10-2022, 23:50