Minecraft PE
Most game versions, especially those released recently, brought us many interesting updates, and this way Minecraft PE becomes more and more fascinating each week. Minecraft PE is one of those betas that contain dozens of cool changes. If you are curious, keep on reading.
General changes in Minecraft Bedrock
First, we want to tell you about the Wild Update features and how they have been modified:
The Skulk features:
- Sculk sensors were fixed to detect the vibrations made by big dripleaves when they change their state of tilting and by dirt and grass when tilled using hoes.
- Sensors do not recognize the vibrations made by players when they put on handheld items
- When broken using silk touch, sensors drop the correct amount of items
- Sculk can spread even through more blocks now, including mud and roots (mangrove ones)
- Shriekers are more sensitive and the way they apply darkness and look for wardens was slightly modified.
- When a player stands on top of a shrieker, it may activate repeatedly
The Mangrove Biome:
- Leaves do not prevent propagules from growing normally
- Bonus chests may contain mangrove logs
- Clay patches generate as they should do in these biomes
- Villagers generating here are called mangrove villagers and they have an appropriate appearance for this place.
- When ramming mangrove logs, goats drop their horns as they should
- Mangrove leaves get stacked correctly when cut with shears
- Tadpoles transform into adult temperate frogs when in stony peaks and meadows and into adult cold frogs when in the deep dark
- Now they can pathfind through lava and water
- He cannot be pushed when he digs or emerges
- He can despawn in water without making digging or any other kinds of animations
- When bothered by a nuisance, he roars and it, and only after, he tries to catch and attack it
- If a nuisance hits him, his anger will increase greatly
- Warden-attacked shields make breaking sounds
- Items taken from allays can be stacked correctly and do not duplicate.
- Their pickup range was reduced
Besides all these Wild Update-related changes, you will also discover that:
- The touch control joystick’s design was improved
- You can use touch controls to climb down from a scaffolding top
- The jump button can be used to jump continuously if held
- Sleeping rules are ignored by the spectator mode
- Players in spectator mode can breathe
- Pistons cannot be used to push players in spectator mode
- The hunger level does not get modified when in spectator mode
- Projectiles can fly through spectators
- Chests that contain loot tables do not drop anything in case they are removed with one of the following commands: /setblock, /clone, or /fill
- The book and quill is redesigned
- Items held in the offhand render normally
- Game does not crash because of withers and boats being loaded or unloaded into the world
- The time duration of your notifications can be modified
- The Multiplayer tab contains a toggle to enable and disable Friendly Fire gamerule
- The size of the XP bar was modified (only on certain devices)
- The chat contains a control panel to manage copy coordinate
- Xp drops from mob spawners in case these are destroyed using axes
- Music was included in the iOS app so you don’t have to buy it from the Marketplace
- iOS devices support keyboards and mouses
- Passengers can ride between chunk borders smoothly
- The camera’s work when entering boats is fixed
- You can move on scaffolding without getting fall damage
- Doors do not push players when closing
- Items stack in the offhand correctly
- Items make sounds when placed in armor slots
- Slimes spawn correctly in worlds created before Minecraft PE 1.18
- The volume of the froglight walking sound was modified
- Weeping vines can be attached to any blocks that have bottom support
- Piglins get angry when a nearby boat or minecart with chests gets broken
- The height of liquids in relation to the adjacent blocks was corrected
If you have enough time and want to find out more details about this new release, you are welcome to watch the video trailer. When you are done, inform your friends about this week’s version and hit the download button.
Visit our website as often as you can if you want to be up to date with all the news. You can also check our collection of mods, maps, and other content. Have fun!
Video Trailer of Minecraft PE
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26-05-2022, 22:51