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Minecraft PE
4-03-2022, 23:56 1 054

Minecraft PE

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If you have any experience in playing Minecraft PE, you probably noticed that the Mojang team releases one or two new game versions every week, and every time we hope that these updates will bring many interesting changes or even better, new features. Today we are lucky because Minecraft PE is really amazing and we are sure that you will have fun exploring it.

Bug fixes in Minecraft Bedrock

We will tell you about what’s more interesting a little later, but first, let us discuss what has been done in relation to the detected bugs:
  • More crashes that could happen in different cases while playing Minecraft PE, including one happening when suspending the application or resuming it, were fixed
  • The vertical view field when playing in split-screen was corrected so the player can view such features as the book and quill easier
  • The terrains surrounding specific structures, for example, villages, were tweaked
  • One bug affecting TNTs and their behavior in specific situations was fixed
  • The blocks that get affected by gravity do not hover on top snow when the player tries to place them
  • Flowing water does not push players anymore when they are in flying mode in creative
  • Protection Enchantment was adjusted to have the correct effect on most kinds of damage types
  • The bug preventing the player’s health from regenerating correctly when it should was fixed
  • Players and mobs landing on stalagmites suffer from fall damage as intended initially
  • Absorption hearts do not keep the same texture and color when affected by wither
  • The texture of glow squids was corrected
  • Crosshair does not disappear when the player disables the outline selection for blocks
  • The highlight effect appearing on certain kinds of armor on paperdolls was removed
  • The name of buckets with tropical fish does not change after the fish is caught
  • Mobs spawned from dispensers do not despawn instantly anymore
  • Shulkers do not spawn inside of each other anymore and other several bugs affecting these mobs were fixed
  • Some text-rendering errors in the Create New World screen were fixed
  • The woodland explorer map is offered by cartographer traders at the correct stage
  • A couple of issues preventing command /loot from working normally were fixed

And now it is finally time to share this week’s best news:
  • Farmer villagers pick up, create, and use bonemeal now
  • Toughness was added to certain kinds of armor and their reduction calculation was adjusted depending on their toughness level. The armor types that the game developers focused on most are the diamond and the netherite ones
    Minecraft PE

  • Players receive a warning prompt when attempting to use specific skins from product pages
  • Ravagers hunt and attack wandering traders now

You must agree that these are good changes, but the best surprise brought by this beta is related to the upcoming Minecraft PE 1.19! The game developers started making place for the Warden and they made the skulk shrieker react to the skulk sensor clicking and worked on the threat level so it can decrease gradually because as you know, the Warden senses fear.
You are very lucky to be our website’s subscriber because now you are among the first players who found out about all this new beta’s features but we hope you are generous enough to share this information with your friends.
Keep following us and you will also find out about the freshest mods, maps, and other game-related content. Have fun!

Video Trailer of Minecraft PE

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4-03-2022, 23:56